Marvel at the Little Bird’s Striking Red Eyebrows

A small black and white bird whose bright red eyebrows stand out in stark contrast to the rest of its body!

Meet the black-throated acacia eye


The black-throated acacia eye (Platysteira peltata) is about 13 cm long and weighs about 13 grams. Its head is black, its throat and its belly white, which is separated by a narrow black band. Above each eye is a bright red patch of bare skin. The eyes are brown, the back and legs are black.


Females look very similar to males, except that they have black throats instead of white.

Juvenile birds tend to have gray rather than black heads with brown touches on the back and no black throat or breast band.


Residing in Africa, these birds can be found from Angola to Kenya with scattered populations in Zimbabwe, Mozambique and eastern South Africa.


They are found in a diverse variety, in coastal forests, near rivers and streams. They can also be found in tall trees, gardens and areas with dense undergrowth such as mangroves.


Insectivorous birds, they can often be seen catching their prey in flight, although they occasionally capture it from the foliage. They feed on flies, grasshoppers, crickets, moths and caterpillars.


The breeding season for the black-throated acacia eye is from September to January, when the female builds a nest of twigs and grass tied with web. It is usually built in the fork of a tree, bush or small tree. Inside she lays 1 to 2 greenish-gray eggs that are then incubated for about 16 to 18 days while the male protects the territory. Both sexes feed the young, although the female does most of the work. They fledge after 14 to 16 days.


Here is a video of the brown-throated acacia eye, a close relative of the black-throated acacia eye:

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